Which food is best for weight gaining? | weight gain foods | Health Tips By Ag

Which food is best for weight gaining? | weight gain foods | Health Tips By Ag

Which food is best for weight gaining?

How to gain 7 kg in 7 days?

Weight gain diet,weight gain foods

How to gain weight  High calorie foods


Milk is a white fluid food delivered by the mammary organs of warm blooded creatures. It is the essential wellspring of nourishment for youthful warm blooded animals before they can process strong food. Resistant elements and safe adjusting parts in milk add to drain invulnerability.


 People and human precursors have rummaged and eaten creature eggs for a long period of time. People in Southeast Asia had trained chickens and gathered their eggs for food by 1500 BCE. The most broadly consumed eggs are those of fowl, particularly chickens.


Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa or, less regularly, O. glaberrima. The name wild rice is normally utilized for types of the genera Zizania and Porteresia, both wild and trained, albeit the term may likewise be utilized for crude or crude assortments of Oryza.

Mediterranean fruit

Mediterranean natural product Dried organic product is natural product from which most of the first water content has been taken out either normally, through sun drying, or using specific dryers or dehydrators.

Red meat

Red meat In gastronomy, red meat is regularly red when crude, rather than white meat, which is pale in variety prior to cooking. In culinary terms, just tissue from warm blooded creatures or fowl is named red or white. In healthful science, red meat is characterized as any meat that has a greater amount of the protein myoglobin than white meat.


Bananas A banana is a stretched, eatable natural product - organically a berry - created by a few sorts of huge herbaceous blossoming plants in the class Musa. In certain nations, bananas utilized for cooking might be classified "plantains", recognizing them from dessert bananas.


Cheese is a dairy item created in wide scopes of flavors, surfaces, and structures by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It involves proteins and fat from milk.


The avocado is a medium-sized, evergreen tree in the shrub family. It is local to the Americas and was first trained in Mesoamerica over a long time back. Then, at that point, as now it was valued for its enormous and strangely sleek natural product.


A nut is a natural product comprising of a hard or extreme nutshell safeguarding a piece which is normally palatable. Overall utilization and from a culinary perspective, a wide assortment of dry seeds are referred to nuts, however in a plant setting as "nut" suggests that the shell doesn't open to deliver the seed.

Dull chocolate

Dull chocolate is a type of chocolate containing cocoa solids and cocoa spread without the milk or margarine tracked down in milk chocolate. Dull chocolate without added sugar is known as harsh chocolate or unsweetened chocolate.

Entire wheat bread

Entire wheat bread or wholemeal bread is a kind of bread made utilizing flour that is halfway or totally processed from entire or nearly entire wheat grains, see entire wheat flour and entire grain. It is one sort of earthy colored bread.


Salmon is a typical food fish named a sleek fish with a rich substance of protein and omega-3 unsaturated fats. Norway is a significant maker of cultivated and wild salmon, representing over half of worldwide salmon creation.


The potato is a bland food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable local to the Americas. The plant is a lasting in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Wild potato species can be found from the southern US to southern Chile.

Dairy item

Dairy items or milk items, otherwise called lacticinia, are food items produced using milk. The most widely recognized dairy creatures are cow, water bison, caretaker goat, and ewe. Dairy items incorporate normal supermarket food things in the Western world like yogurt, cheddar, milk and spread.


Yogurt is a food product made by bacterially fermenting milk. Bacteria used to make yogurt are called yogurt cultures. Fermentation of the sugars in the milk by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk proteins to give yogurt its texture and distinctive sour taste.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter is a food paste or spread made from ground, dry-roasted peanuts. They often contain additional ingredients such as salt, sweeteners and emulsifiers that alter the taste and texture.

Oily Fish

Oilyfish is a species of fish that contains oil in its soft tissues and peri-intestinal body cavities. Fillets may contain up to 30% oil, but this varies within and between species.


beans are the seeds of several plants in the legume family and are used as vegetables for human or animal consumption. It can be cooked in many ways, including boiling, roasting and baking, and is used in many traditional dishes around the world.


Quinoa is a flowering plant in the Amaranthus family. It is an annual herbaceous plant grown primarily as a crop for its edible seeds. Seeds are richer in protein, fiber, B vitamins and minerals than many grains.

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Sweet Potato

Sweet potato or yam is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the morning glory (Convolvulaceae) family. The large, starchy, sweet tuberous roots are used as root vegetables. Young shoots and leaves are sometimes eaten as vegetables.

Nut Butter

Nut Butter is a spreadable food made from ground nuts into a paste. It has a lot of fat and spreads like real butter, but is otherwise tasteless.


Butter is a dairy product made from the fat and protein components of cream. It is a semi-solid at room temperature and an emulsion of about 80% milk fat.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice is whole grain rice with the inedible hull removed. This type of rice sheds the outer husk, but the bran and germ layers remain, giving the rice a brown or tan color. White rice is the same grain except for the husk, bran layer and germ.

Rolled Oats

Rolled Oats is a coarse preparation made from shelled, steamed and flattened oats or from shelled oat grains that have been ground, rolled or steel-cut. Ground oats are also called white oats. Steel rolled oats are known as coarse oatmeal, Irish oatmeal, or pinhead oats.

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